Ebitxs (ebitxs.com)

Warning ⚠ ebitxs.com site is a scam. Stay alert, this scams using fake cryptocurrency exchanges. There is no real Ebitxs company, and their ebitxs.com website is a phishing crypto exchange that scammers use to steal your cryptocurrency. To lure victims…

Lidof (lidof.net)

Warning ⚠ lidof.net site is a scam. Stay alert, this scams using fake cryptocurrency exchanges. There is no real Lidof company, and their lidof.net website is a phishing crypto exchange that scammers use to steal your cryptocurrency. To lure victims…

Blurbtc (blurbtc.com)

Alert: Scams cryptocurrency on blurbtc.com site. Stay alert, this scams using fake cryptocurrency exchanges. There is no real Blurbtc company, and their blurbtc.com website is a phishing crypto exchange that scammers use to steal your cryptocurrency. To lure victims to…

Cryptocamp (cryptocamp.org)

Warning ⚠ cryptocamp.org site is a scam. Stay alert, this scams using fake cryptocurrency exchanges. There is no real Cryptocamp company, and their cryptocamp.org website is a phishing crypto exchange that scammers use to steal your cryptocurrency. To lure victims…

Xn Commx M0A (xn--commx-m0a.com)

Alert, Scams! xn--commx-m0a.com is a crypto scam. Stay alert, this scams using fake cryptocurrency exchanges. There is no real Xn Commx M0A company, and their xn--commx-m0a.com website is a phishing crypto exchange that scammers use to steal your cryptocurrency. To…

Merefex (merefex.com)

Alert: Scams cryptocurrency on merefex.com site. Stay alert, this scams using fake cryptocurrency exchanges. There is no real Merefex company, and their merefex.com website is a phishing crypto exchange that scammers use to steal your cryptocurrency. To lure victims to…

Bitzapt (bitzapt.com)

Alert: Scams cryptocurrency on bitzapt.com site. Stay alert, this scams using fake cryptocurrency exchanges. There is no real Bitzapt company, and their bitzapt.com website is a phishing crypto exchange that scammers use to steal your cryptocurrency. To lure victims to…

Uxami (uxami.com)

Warning ⚠ uxami.com site is a scam. Stay alert, this scams using fake cryptocurrency exchanges. There is no real Uxami company, and their uxami.com website is a phishing crypto exchange that scammers use to steal your cryptocurrency. To lure victims…

Cobrabit (cobrabit.net)

Alert, Scams! cobrabit.net is a crypto scam. Stay alert, this scams using fake cryptocurrency exchanges. There is no real Cobrabit company, and their cobrabit.net website is a phishing crypto exchange that scammers use to steal your cryptocurrency. To lure victims…

Kryptorexfarm.Com.Kryptofarm.Com (kryptorexfarm.com.kryptofarm.com.ng)

Alert, Scams! kryptorexfarm.com.kryptofarm.com.ng is a crypto scam. Stay alert, this scams using fake cryptocurrency exchanges. There is no real Kryptorexfarm.Com.Kryptofarm.Com company, and their kryptorexfarm.com.kryptofarm.com.ng website is a phishing crypto exchange that scammers use to steal your cryptocurrency. To lure victims…